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Author Witi Ihimaera with students at Queen Margaret’s College for Writers in Schools.
A real author in the classroom? You can’t get better than that.
– Witi Ihimaera
Author Witi Ihimaera with students at Queen Margaret’s College for Writers in Schools.


We bring writers and illustrators to your students and staff, either in person or virtually.

We have more than 200 of Aotearoa's best novelists, journalists, poets, playwrights, non-fiction writers, storytellers and illustrators registered as part of the Writers in Schools programme. Those who are accepting invitations to visit in-person are all fully vaccinated.

These authors span the length and breadth of the country and our booking form matches your school's needs with a suitable guest. Watch some videos with some of our authors on our YouTube channel.

As well as one-off classroom visits, the Writers in Schools programme provides a range of options for participation in creative writing workshops, literary tours, public events, book festivals and more

“I think when I talk about story structure and planning and imagination it helps to reinforce the messages that the teachers are already promoting in the classroom...”

How much does it cost?

Please use our services to book as many author visits as your school would like. We will contact authors on your behalf and pay them for their time. If your school is a current member of Read NZ Te Pou Muramura, we can subsidise the cost of your first author visit each year. Often this means that your first author visit is at no additional charge to the school.

The price of second or subsequent visits, or visits booked after the term cut-off dates, starts at $330 and we always provide an estimate of costs before confirming a Writers in Schools visit.

Additional costs (plus GST)

Item Cost
Workshop preparation $70.00
Full day extension (anything over three hours) $150.00
Extra travel time (over three hours) $90.00
PLD costs$450
Author flights, accommodation, airport transfers,
per diems and other travel reimbursements
At cost

We define a workshop as anything where the students produce a piece of their own work, or creates something under the guidance of the visiting author. Often a workshop takes additional time to prepare and involves the provision of additional materials. The same workshop can be repeated for different groups of students during a visit

Te Kahu Rolleston at Papatoetoe High School for Writers in Schools
Te Kahu Rolleston at Papatoetoe High School for Writers in Schools

Next steps

  1. Sign up or renew your school's membership
  2. Use our booking form to request Writers in Schools visits
  3. Read peer reviews of new New Zealand books for children in The School Library or offer to review for us
  4. Introduce your students to Hooked on Books
  5. Subscribe to our e-news and follow our social channels

Key dates & deadlines

Monday 31 March 2025

Bookings close for Term 2, 2025
Bookings open for Term 3, 2025

Learn more

We run campaigns to encourage New Zealanders to read, research our reading habits and barriers to reading, and advocate for the importance of reading.

  • 55K+
    School students reached
  • 13
    Regions throughout Aotearoa New Zealand
  • 100
    Writers engaged
  • 55K+
    School students reached
  • 13
    Regions throughout Aotearoa New Zealand
  • 100
    Writers engaged

Read NZ Te Pou Muramura Help fund our amazing programmes.

Read NZ Te Pou Muramura

Every cent goes towards us building our campaigns to encourage New Zealanders to read, research our reading habits and barriers to reading, and advocate for the importance of reading.