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Join us!

Membership for individuals costs $75 per year. Your $75 can fund an author to visit a school class of 25 students through Writers in Schools; pay to mail ten books to our keen teenage Hooked on NZ Books reviewers around the country; or complete another Writers File profiling an Aotearoa NZ author.

We welcome new members to Read NZ Te Pou Muramura at any time. By becoming a member, you're part of a team creating very real impact across Aotearoa by directly helping spread the joy of reading in our communities.

Your $75 membership helps fund our programmes (such as Writers in Schools), campaigns and advocacy work, and supports our unique online resources, such as the National Reading Survey and Writers Files.

    We also offer School, Library and Business memberships: contact us for more detail on these.

    Thank you for joining us!

    Your impact

    In 2023, our members helped us reach over 59,000 tamariki in Aotearoa with an author or illustrator in their classroom to help inspire a love of reading that will last a lifetime. We produced more than 200 reviews promoting Aotearoa New Zealand's books and authors, grew our database of New Zealand Writers Files to more than 700: and so much more! You can read more about everything we achieved together in our annual report and impact statement.

    The Writers in Schools programme is great because it gives children access to real people, real authors, real stories and they can connect to the person and see themselves as future writers/authors too…I'd love to do it again more often if I could!
    - Teacher, 2022

    Membership benefits

    Becoming a Read NZ Te Pou Muramura means:

    • You'll receive a special collateral pack in the mail to help you spread the word about your generous donation
    • Includes a copy of our exclusive annual Pānui publication (not available elsewhere)
    • Ensures you receive our monthly communications, packed with reading and writing opportunities
    • Guarantees you preferential booking for special events.