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Reviewed by Pieta Hyland, Teacher. Edendale School, Southland
Opening sentence
"Did that actually just happen?" Nina Sutherland asked as she glanced around at her family.
This book is an interesting insight into the issue of the wild Kaimanawa horses and what is being done to help them and the environment.

I enjoyed reading about how the horses are humanely captured and trained, and the different personalities of the horses. I think it paints a fair picture of the process of domesticating the wild horses.

It was refreshing that there we no 'plot holes', something I have noticed in other children's books I have read. This may be due to the fact that it is a true story, however it reads as well flowing fiction.

The author really sets the scene with clear, not overblown descriptions of the beautiful countryside of the far North of New Zealand. I think the only downside, for me, is there is a lot of ‘horse jargon’ which I had to look up. It would be nice for those who are not familiar with these terms to have a glossary or footnote to assist with understanding.

I will definitely be recommending this book to several of the Year 5-6 girls I know as they will find it very interesting and relate closely to the characters. This book champions brave adventurous females, showcasing unusual talents, and demonstrates how, with support, young girls can accomplish truly amazing things.
Publisher: Penguin Random House
ISBN: 9780143778523
Format: Paperback
Publication: 2024
Ages: 8+
Themes: Friendship, horses, teamwork