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Opening sentence
As soon as I wake, it hits me like a hammer blow: my father is now a full week overdue.
I have been waiting for this book to be published ever since reading the first installment of the adventures of Michael and Atarangi in Gabriel's Gully, and this book did not disappoint!

Book 2 continues along the same thrilling theme, with a new friend, Sui, joining with Michael and Atarangi's adventures, along with a dog called Lucy and a horse, Kaha.

The children search for a man lost in a blizzard, with their special talents helping them, Sui can see the into the future.

This adventure takes the children far away from Gabriel's Gully but they are still faced with danger, greed and lawlessness.

James Russell has a real talent for creating an image in the readers mind, I could feel the fear as the children were lost in the snow and scared of the gunfire around them. Again, Michael's bravery shines through in this story, as does all the children's love and care for their parents and each other. The ending left me wanting more and I can't wait to read Book 3.

An added bonus for readers is the fun activities and information at the end, and I love how this book is dyslexia-friendly through font and page colour. The historical references to our local area are a definite plus for readers in Central Otago.

Highly recommended!
Author & Illustrator: James Russell, Stephen Templer (Cover), Te reo Māori consultant: Kayley Ngawati
Publisher: Dragon Brothers Books
ISBN: 9781991166852
Format: Paperback
Publication: Sept 2023
Ages: 8+
Themes: Gold, Central Otago, local history, Te Reo Māori, friendship, danger, adventure.