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Reviewed by Petra Verbeek, Hamilton Christian School
Opening sentence
'Flying and Falling' will appeal to a range of readers, and deals with mental health, how it can skew your worldview, and how good friends can help you deal with the challenges of being a teenager.

I enjoyed the setting of the book, which is a horse farm and the way that the horses are part of the emotional healing process. All the characters in the book, Hollie and Jonathan, as well as Dan and Beth are well-developed and convincing. There is a budding romance and immediate chemistry between Hollie and Jonathan, hampered by dark, hidden secrets both try to hide, which adds a tone of mystery to the story. Dan and Beth help keep the story on track and keep the narrative moving forward. I loved the way the characters grow to accept themselves and embrace their past.

The author has managed to consistently giving voice to teenagers’ angst adding a touch of authenticity. Much of the story is narrated in the characters’ minds, which deepens the mental anguish, and helps the reader to connect with the protagonists on an emotional level. The romance feels authentic although the ending seems to come very quickly after the story unfolds fairly slowly.

Teenage girls will love this book. On the whole, this is one of the better teenage fiction I have read in a long time.
Publisher: Glitterink Press Ltd
ISBN: 9781991180551
Format: Paperback
Publication: September 2023
Ages: Young Adult