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Reviewed by Carola Crawford
Opening sentence
Yes, you have to wear your pants.
The whole concept of this delicious book appeals. Children will love the naughtiness of not wearing pants in public and the hilarious illustrations of animals engaged in various occupations sans pants, including even policemen and salesmen.

There is plenty of rhyme and alliteration and an extensive list of synonyms for bottom, including French ‘derriere’. Children’s vocabulary will also be enriched by the plentiful use of interesting adjectives, such as: ‘quirky’, ‘intimidating’ and ‘flame-retardant’. I think that this is a book that will be requested again and again, particularly by children starting to understand societal expectations and enjoying the flaunting of these.
Author & Illustrator: Nicki Gill, Daron Parton
Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN: 9781761209390
Format: Hardback
Publication: 2024
Ages: Pre-school
Themes: Fun, social norms