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Reviewed by Kate Gwerder, Teacher, Mangorei Primary, Taranaki
Opening sentence
In my house. On my bed.
This story follows two children moving houses: one child leaving the house, and the second moving into the same house. All the boxes, mess, noise, and emotions of leaving what you know behind, or starting somewhere new.

The two experiences in the story echo each other. First, of the child leaving and then of the next child moving in over the day, with key experiences linking the children in the book – the dogs sniffing around, the furniture and the boxes. This story does a great job of illustrating how people can experience a day in very different ways and could be a good talking point about the theme of moving or changes.

The illustrations in the book link so well to the story and process of moving house and are fun to look at. The cover of the book is slightly embossed, giving it a lovely feel and a book to be enjoyed reading alone or aloud to a class.
Author & Illustrator: Trudie Trewin, Lavanya Naidu
Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN: 9781761293030
Format: Hardback
Publication: 2024
Ages: 6-8
Themes: Moving, changes, family, emotions