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Reviewed by Gina Speedy, School Counsellor, Kuranui College, Wairarapa
Opening sentence
You can't see me because I'm sitting back here behind your eyes. But I'll try to describe myself.
This bright and fun pukapuka introduces the human brain to young readers in a child-friendly way.

The story is written from a first-person narrative meaning the brain is telling the story. Early on in the story, the brain compares itself to the size of a pineapple which allows for funky illustrations as the pineapple theme carries on throughout.

Aimed at ages 5-10, 'Your Brain Is A Lump of Goo' is an easy and quick read designed to explore the role of the brain. There’s minimal text accompanied by large colourful pictures. Think lighthearted entertainment for children without scientific explanations. Except however, the two back pages. At the conclusion of the story, these pages offer a more factual, in-depth explanation of the parts of the brain using correct terminology, suitable for the older readers in the age-range.

If you’re looking for a light way to talk about the brain’s function with young ones, then this book is a great start.
Author & Illustrator: Idan Ben-Barak, Christopher Nielsen
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
ISBN: 9781761180156
Format: Hardback
Publication: 2023
Ages: 5-10
Themes: Anatomy