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Bilbrough, Paola
Writer's File

Paola Bilbrough

Bilbrough, Paola
In brief
Paola Bilbrough is a poet, and her first collection, Bell Tongue, was published in 1999. A section of Bell Tongue was republished in the American anthology, Wild Child: Girlhoods in the counter culture (Seal Press, 1999). Her writing has been published in a variety of local journals and magazines, as well as several in the UK. Bilbrough has travelled widely, and these experiences are often a core focus of her poetry. She is particularly influenced by those poets writing in Japanese and Spanish.


Bilbrough, Paola (1971 - ) was born on Waiheke Island, but grew up in Wellington. Her first book of poetry, Bell Tongue (VUP, 1999) followed publication in a number of magazines, including London Magazine, Heat, Landfall, Sport and Stand.

Her work is preoccupied by the way in which landscape and climate mold people and the sense of dislocation that new landscapes and climates cause.

Bilbrough's poems contain tightly coiled narratives and often feature characters other than herself. She sees her work as being influenced and inspired by both the restraint and minimalism of Japanese poetry, and the surreal intensity and sensuality of many poets writing in Spanish.

Bilbrough currently lives in Victoria, Australia.