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Reviewed by Tarata class, Otatara School
Opening sentence
They were still 400 yards from the strip of white beach and the crammed jungle behind it when the fighter planes came.
This story takes place in 1943 during World War II. It’s all about a boy
named Frank and his big adventure as a coast watcher. Frank, his best
friend Wally, and an Australian soldier go to a place called the Solomon
Islands to watch for enemy ships. They make friends with a local boy
from another island, and together, they find a lost Japanese radio and
some important codebooks.
Frank and his friends have to figure out how to get this information back
to their commanders without getting caught by the Japanese, who are
searching for them the whole time.
Some parts of the story are slow, and there are a few tricky words that
you might need to look up in the glossary. But it’s cool because it talks
about real secret codes including Morse code, and how people used it
during the war!
We think this book is great for kids 10 and older since it has some
shooting and shows how different cultures were treated during the war. If
you like adventure and learning about history, this is a good book for

- Tarata class, Otatara School.
Publisher: Penguin Random House
ISBN: 9780143775966
Format: Paperback
Publication: 2021
Ages: Intermediate+
Themes: War, historical fiction, adventure.