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Reviewed by Carola Crawford, English teacher, Karanga Mai Young Parents’ College
Opening sentence
“Look”, said the little girl, “a flower!”
This is not so much a story as a poetic exploration of descriptive language. The plot is very simple - two characters: a little girl and an old man, go for a walk (noticing sights, sounds and smells) and meet a little boy who shares his strawberries with them.

The appeal of this book is in the beautiful turn of phrase. A ladybird is described as “Like a tiny turtle in fancy dress - a red polka dot coat that’s hiding a secret.” The smell of strawberries is described as “like summer sun…like pikelets and jam… like pink ice cream”. The illustrations are also imaginative and complement the text well.

This would be a lovely book to share with young children or even with older children exploring creative writing.
Author & Illustrator: Tania Norfolk illust. Aleksandra Szmidt
Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN: 978-1-77543-817-5
Format: Paperback
Publication: May 2023
Ages: preschool to older - to demonstrate to young writers the power of words