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Reviewed by Gina Coatsworth, Kaiako, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi, Waitaha
Opening sentence
Ki mua, ki muri, ka tūpono whai, i tō ako ki te pīkari pipi, kua pai!
Kua haere te whānau ki tātahi kohikohi pipi ai. Ko te mahinga kai me te whanaungatanga ngā kaupapa matua o 'Te Pīkari Pipi'. Ka whakaako a Māmā i tāna tamaiti me pēhea te kimi me te kari i ngā pipi. Ko tōna whakamārama, ko ngā nekehanga o te kanikani, arā, ko ‘te pīkari pipi’. He ngāwari te reo, he huarite ngā rerenga korero. Kāore e kore ka pārekareka tēnei pukapuka ki ngā tamariki nohinohi.

Nā Lily Uivel ngā pikitia whakaari. I te tōnga o te rā te mahi, nō reira ka kitea ate te kokomea i ngā pikitia. He rerehua!

Kāore ngā kupu o tēnei pukapuka i te whakamārama atu ko wai te taniwha, mā ngā pikitia kē. Nā Monica Koster ngā pikitia whakaari, me te ātaahua hoki!

Nā te mātanga reo a Pānia Papa te whakamāoritanga. He Rārangi Kupu kei te pukapuka hei āwhina i te kaipānui. He pai tēnei pukapuka mā ngā whanau, Kōhanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa anō hoki!

The whānau have gone to the beach to gather pipi. Mahinga kai and whanaungatanga are kaupapa which are celebrated in 'Te Pīkari Pipi.' Mum teaches her child how to look for and dig for pipi. Her explanation are the steps to this dance: ‘the pipi shuffle’. The language is easy to read and the sentences rhyme. No doubt this book will appeal to preschoolers and young readers.

Lily Uivel has produced the illustrations for this book. The book is set at the end of the day, so pictures glow with the evening light. It is beautiful!

The translation for this book is by the renowned Pānia Papa. A Glossary is included to help readers. This book will be appreciated by whanau, Kōhanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa.
Author & Illustrator: Angie Belcher, Lily Uivel, Te Kaiwhakamāori: Pānia Papa
Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN: 978-1-77543-860-1
Format: Uhi Ngohe
Publication: 2024
Ages: Tamariki nohinohi
Themes: Mahinga kai, mahi a-whānau, tātahi, Tangaroa