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Reviewed by Kate Gwerder, Teacher, Mangorei School, Taranaki
Opening sentence
Have you ever been to Te Mata Hāpuku? Oh, it's the best place in the world!
Te Rerehua and Sam visit their Grandma and Pōua at Te Roto O Wairewa and head out to catch eels for Matariki kai to share with the community. The night before the Matariki feast, the children hear a sound from the bush. They go and see what it is only to find cheeky patupaiarehe (fairy folk) enjoying their cooked eels. Te Rerehua and Sam threatened the patupairehe to keep them there until sunlight unless they fish for more kai for the feast...can they do it and save the feast?

This would be a super book to read aloud in the lead up to Matariki. It has great illustrations that match the story well and would keep young readers interested. It explains what these stars represent and their role in Matariki.
Author & Illustrator: Miriama Kamo, Illustrator: Zak Waipara
Publisher: Scholastic NZ
ISBN: 9781775438694
Format: Paperback
Publication: April 2024
Ages: 6-9 years
Themes: Matariki