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Reviewed by Claire Cheeseman, Teacher, Laingholm Primary
Opening sentence
My mum is full of surprises.
Sam is 12 years old and is at the awkward stage where everything embarrasses him. He lives with his white mother. But he is a white kid with an afro. His father is Black African but Sam has never met him. His challenge is to find out who he is and where he is from for the school assignment and concert.

This book is great for children coming into their teenage years. There's a lot of humour that intersperses the more serious aspects of the novel. It deals with family turmoil, growing issues and friendships as well as the more serious cultural issues.
Author & Illustrator: Anton Clifford-Motopi
Publisher: Allen and Unwin
ISBN: 9324551092019
Format: Paperback
Publication: March 2024
Ages: 8+ years
Themes: Friendship, identity, family, separated family, culture, race