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Reviewed by Angela Thompson, Teacher Librarian, Remarkables Primary, Queenstown
Opening sentence
The morning I met Chester was hot and still, one of those very-summer-holidays kind of mornings when you wake up early and see the day spread out ahead of you like a vast, glinting sea, if the sea was something calm or full of sensible options for passing time, rather than a dark, deep pit of unknown danger.
This is a story about growing up, friendship, finding your own voice and sharing feelings. This will appeal to tweens who are still discovering themselves and finding their way in the world. This book is a really easy read about day to day life in the Summer holidays. Chester and Rebecca are the perfect, opposite friends that compliment each other and balance out each other's personality. The story has a wonderful sense of community, with the children knowing most of their neighbours. Although this was a very relaxing read, at times I did feel like I wanted the author to dig deeper and show more of the characters and their background stories.
Author & Illustrator: Jane Arthur
Publisher: Penguin Random House
ISBN: 9781776958030
Format: Paperback
Publication: April 2024
Ages: 7+ years
Themes: Personal and social issues, friendships, gender, whānau, holidays