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Reviewed by Natalie Lagah, Pirinoa School
Opening sentence
Little Ruby is feeling good.
Ruby Tui has written a fantastic book for younger students, focused a lot around resilience and developing social skills among peers and friends. The pictures are awesome, too!

The story weaves its way around the main character, who is trying to understand the different ways that her friends overcome their fears or struggles. She is learning to respect other peoples boundaries and it gives examples of different ways that children cope with different feelings.

A great book for rugby fans and a great book for children.
Author & Illustrator: Ruby Tui, illustrator: Samoni Cavander
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
ISBN: 9781991006158
Format: Paperback
Publication: Oct 2023
Ages: 4-7 years
Themes: Friendships, social skills and emotional intelligence